January 15th, 2020

I hope your new year is getting off to an awesome start. Mine sure is!
Ok, so let's talk commitment.
While New Year's resolutions carry forward an awesome tradition, their failure is not far behind.
It can't be helped. We tend to shoot very high and our will power is made up of the same wood, hay and stubble we exhibited in the previous year.
Unlike NASA, failure tends to be the most common option.
You see, we commit ourselves to all kinds of things, believing the philosophies of this world, like "we can do anything we set our mind to".
However, that's contrary to God's word which says, "Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord." in Zachariah 4:6. And "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" in Philippians 4:13.
Power comes from God not us. Strength is found in the authority of Christ alone.
If we are to resist the temptations of this world and daily become more like our Savior Jesus, then we must commit and submit ourselves to him.
But how can you trust someone you barley know?
If we are to know him, then we must talk to him all day every day. We must spend time in his word, and with others (church family) who love him, for encouragement. Don't commit yourself to lose weight. Don't commit yourself to be a more loving husband or wife. Don't commit yourself to being a better worker or friend.
Commit yourself and your ways to the Lord and he will direct your path!
Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and He will give you all you need." Then you will be able accomplish and fulfill the desires of your heart, because they will be the desires of His! The year is young. Keep moving.
Go give em Heaven!
I love you all,
Pastor Scott
Want more encouraging blogs from Pastor Scott? Click here.
Ok, so let's talk commitment.
While New Year's resolutions carry forward an awesome tradition, their failure is not far behind.
It can't be helped. We tend to shoot very high and our will power is made up of the same wood, hay and stubble we exhibited in the previous year.
Unlike NASA, failure tends to be the most common option.
You see, we commit ourselves to all kinds of things, believing the philosophies of this world, like "we can do anything we set our mind to".
However, that's contrary to God's word which says, "Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord." in Zachariah 4:6. And "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" in Philippians 4:13.
Power comes from God not us. Strength is found in the authority of Christ alone.
If we are to resist the temptations of this world and daily become more like our Savior Jesus, then we must commit and submit ourselves to him.
But how can you trust someone you barley know?
If we are to know him, then we must talk to him all day every day. We must spend time in his word, and with others (church family) who love him, for encouragement. Don't commit yourself to lose weight. Don't commit yourself to be a more loving husband or wife. Don't commit yourself to being a better worker or friend.
Commit yourself and your ways to the Lord and he will direct your path!
Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and He will give you all you need." Then you will be able accomplish and fulfill the desires of your heart, because they will be the desires of His! The year is young. Keep moving.
Go give em Heaven!
I love you all,
Pastor Scott
Want more encouraging blogs from Pastor Scott? Click here.
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